segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010

Dra Mafalda Eiró Gomes


Mafalda Eiró-Gomes, Ph.D., is Coordinator Professor of Public Relations and Pragmatics at Lisbon's Superior School of Mass Communication and Media Arts where she has been teaching since 1991. In 2007 she became Scientific Coordinator of the first Portuguese Master program in Strategic Public Relations Management at Lisbon's Superior School of Mass Communication and Media Arts as well as Scientific Coordinator of the first Public Relations undergraduate program available in all Portuguese-speaking Africa at the University of Cape Vert. She holds a License in Public Relations and Advertising, a Master in Communication Theory and a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the New University of Lisbon. She is a Researcher in Philosophy of Language and Pragmatics at the Philosophy of Language Institute, New University of Lisbon, and has published different articles and studies in the fields of Pragmatics, Communication in the Public Interest, Health Communication and Public Relations. She is voluntary PR Consultant for Portuguese Non-Governmental Organizations for development such as Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr and for the Millennium Development Goals’ Portuguese Committee.

1 comentário:

  1. Parabéns Sra. Professora, tem de facto um currículo invejável e confirma as suspeitas que eu tinha de que é uma pessoa fantástica e uma verdadeira Mestra na arte da Comunicação. Bem haja e espero ter a oportunidade de aprender muito consigo.
